Aktivait Small Breed is the first supplement to combine all the nutrients necessary that may help to sustain optimum function.
It contains a complex mix of antioxidants (Vitamins C, E, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid and N-acetyl cysteine) and compounds necessary for optimum metabolism and function of the nerve cells (Carnitine, DHA/EPA and Phosphotidylserine). It may also help to prevent free radical damage and improve electrical transmission between nerve cells.
Animal behaviourists have identified four distinct symptoms of cognitive dysfunction- Disorientation, Loss of house training, Irregular sleep patterns and reduced interaction. This can be due to the harmful free radicals that are naturally produced in the body.
In a young and healthy animal, antioxidants are produced to neutralize the free radicals and maintain equilibrium. As your pet ages they produce less antioxidants and an imbalance occurs. This leads to an excess of free radicals, which damage the cells and cell contents especially DNA, lipid membranes and proteins. This in turn can lead to the development of disease and related problems.
As dogs grow older the brain can become damaged by free radicals which can cause biological and physical damage to the brain tissue. This can lead to behavioural changes such as disorientation, disturbed sleeping patterns, loss of interest in other group members, and loss of house training.
Combined with a programme of correct feeding and exercise Aktivait may:
Improve your pet’s vitality and energy
Improve memory and mental alertness
Increase your pet’s lifespan by 10-20%
Each Capsule Contains:
DHA/EPA (as Fish oil powder) 35mg
N-Acetyl-cysteine 30mg
Alpha lipoic acid 15mg
Ascorbic Acid (as L-Ascorbic acid) 20mg
L-carnitine 13.5mg
Vitamin E 10mg
Acetyl-L-carnitine 5mg
Coenzyme Q10 1.5mg
Phosphotidylserine (as lethicin) 1.5mg
Selenium 25mcg
Give ONE capsule once daily (for dogs over 10kg use Aktivait Medium and Large Breed)