Who doesn't like Side Dishes! Side dishes mean something yummy is in store. Beef organ blend is a perfect side dish for dogs and cats that could use more organ meat in their diet. Feeding raw bones? Supplement with a side dish of beef organ blend for a complete and balanced meal. May be used to help soften up stools or encourage fussy eaters. This side dish contains only the best, highest quality beef organ meat from hormone & antibiotic free beef, that is pasture raised in Canada.
- Hormone & Antibiotic Free
- Pasture Raised Beef
- Supplemental Feeding Choice – feed in rotation with Big Country Dinners, Blends or Pure Formulas
- Rich source of vitamins and minerals
- Good for puppies to adult dogs
- Great for fussy eaters
25% Beef Heart, 25% Beef Liver, 25�ef Kidney, 25% Beef Spleen
Feeding Guide:
Supplemental Feeding Choice.
Beef Organ Blend is intended as a supplemental feeding choice to your pet’s raw food meals. Beef Organ Blend can be helpful in soften stools. If you notice your raw fed pet has very dry or hard stools on a raw diet an extra scoop of BOB can be the perfect solution. Every dog assimilates raw bone differently, so this side dish makes customizing Big Country Raw meals so they are perfect for your pet.
Beef Organ Blend can also be an excellent supplement for raw fed cats that can benefit from a rich source of naturally occuring taurine. Simply add to your raw meals for added peace of mind!
Plus dogs love the rich taste of organ meat! Freeze BOB into silicone molds for a frozen treat that can be fed alongside your raw meal, or as a treat.
Recommended serving amount is 1/4 cup per 1 lb. (2 cups) of raw food. Dosage can be increased or adjusted based on results.
Nutrient Facts:
per 100 grams
AmountCalories114 Moisturev Fat%4 Protein Fibre%3
Vitamins & Minerals Calciummg8.50 Ironmg14.59 Magnesiummg19.50 Phosphorusmg288 Potassiummg322.75 Sodiummg108.50 Zincmg2.43 Coppermg2.69 Manganesemg0.14 Seleniumug66.18 Thiaminmg0.21 Riboflavinmg1.72 Niacinmg9.28 Beta_Carotmg58 Folateug98.75 Vitamin B12ug25.26 Vitamin A_UIIU4573.75 Vitamin A_RAEIU1346.75 Vitamin Emg0.20 Vitamin Kmg0.77 Vitamin Cmg14.55
Additional Product Info: Muscle Meat% Organ Meatu Bone Content%0 Fruit and Vegetable%0 Supplement%0